Moravian instruments, Inc., source:, printed: 01/06/2024 21:31:04

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Custom CCD camera with four 16 MPx detectors developed for IAA-CSIC
 Moravian Instruments just delivered custom-made cooled CCD camera for Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), Spain. Camera contains four 16 MPx KAF CCD detectors (64 MPx total) in one head. Detectors are cooled by multiple stage Peltier TEC coolers with liquid heat exchanger.

The custom camera design inherits from highly successful G4-16000 large format camera model, but integrates four CCD detectors (of the same type as the ones used in G4-16000), precisely positioned to fit the customer's optical device. Proven electronics design achieves very low read noise and provides uniform field of view.

Custom camera head top (left) and bottom (right)

Still the head remains relative compact and lightweight to enable easy integration with the optical elements, feeding the device with light (especially camera thickness is kept small to fit to the space available).

Four 16 MPx detectors inside the camera head (left) and camera head compared to standard G2 camera head (right)