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Main pageObservations

New Nova in the M31 Andromeda Galaxy Found
 Kamil Hornoch, amateur astronomer awarded by the “Amateur Achievement Award” of the year 2006 by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, found his 43rd nova in the M31 “Great Andromeda Galaxy”. This time he used his new G2CCD-1600 camera.

Compared to the old, borrowed CCD camera, which Kamil used for his previous discoveries, the new G2CCD-1600 provides better sensitivity, much less noise, bigger field of view, integrated filter wheel and much faster image downloads. Smaller pixels ensures better image sampling makes data reduction easier and more accurate.

Kamil Hornoch's 43rd nova found in the M31 galaxy is marked by two lines

Kamil Hornoch's 43rd nova found in the M31 galaxy is marked by two lines

The image above was processed by the “Subtract Median” filter in the SIMS software package. Median filter eliminates any image details smaller than the filter radius and keeps only the large-scale background. On the other side, subtracting of the filtered image from the original one eliminates the “nebulosity” and keeps only small details, revealing stars from the bright galaxy core to the dim outer regions.

The discovery image was exposed on October 25th, 2006 by 13.8 inch Newtonian telescope. Exposure time was 10 minutes (stacked from ten 1 minute expositions).

Kamil Hornoch mounts the G2CCD to his telescope (left) G2CCD camera on the telescope focuser (right)

We congratulate Kamil to this discovery!