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G2-0402 at Altan Observatory
 Altan observatory is a private observatory held by Bc. Luboš Brát, head of the Variable Star Section of the Czech Astronomical Society. Scientific-grade CCD camera with a filter wheel containing complete UBVRI filter set is used to monitor variable stars.

Luboš Brát is a head of the Variable Star Section of the Czech Astronomical Society. He is very active amateur astronomer, focused to photometry of bright eclipsing binaries and observing of selected neglected long-period variables. He use 20 cm Vixen Cassegrain reflector on the EQ6 Pro mount with G2-0402 CCD camera. Another CCD camera SBIG ST-8 is used with 8 cm Celestron refractor.

Telescopes and CCD cameras inside the Altan

Altan observatory home page URL is