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Updated G0/G1 and G2/G3/G4 ASCOM camera drivers available for download
 New G0 and G1 CCD camera driver version 1.1 and G2, G3 and G4 cooled CCD camera driver version 1.3 for ASCOM standard are available for download.

Previous version of both drivers returned image with coordinate system origin (pixel at coordinate [0, 0]) in the bottom-left corner. This is the standard, defined by FITS format. But majority of software packages obviously suppose image origin in the upper-left corner, so images read from the driver appeared vertically mirrored. Both drivers were modified to return images with coordinate [0, 0] in the upper-left corner.

Because G2, G3 and G4 series of CCD cameras are able to control internal or external filter wheel, ASCOM driver for these cameras also exports filter wheel control interfaces. However, invoking of functions from camera and filter wheel interfaces in overlapped manner (e.g. from two execution threads at once) could cause synchronization problems. This is why the filter wheel interface implementation was reworked not to interfere with commands sent to main camera interface. One consequence is changed filter wheel behavior—requested filter is not moved to position immediately when the particular command is issued, but only before light exposure. This change affects only the command timing, the filters used for exposures are always the correct ones.

Drivers can be download from Download page of this site.