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G4 cameras on the BART telescope
 CCD cameras caused revolution in astronomy. Despite amateur astronomers use them mainly to capture images of deep-sky objects in unprecedented details, CCD cameras are behind the inflation of our knowledge of the laws ruling the Universe, which we witness in recent years.

Majority of our posts present beautiful images of astronomical object. Naturally we want to show the breathtaking views of deep space wonders (honestly, we often stay in awe when we see what can be captured with our cameras and we are proud the best astro-photographers around the world chose them).

CCD cameras caused revolution not only in “aesthetical” imaging, but even more importantly in astronomical research. And Moravian Instruments cameras are also behind important scientific data, which help us to understand laws of our Universe.

Here we present the latest version of BART (acronym for Burst Alert Robotic Telescope), the telescope primarily intended to capture gamma-ray burst optical afterglows. As the gamma-ray burst position is often known with very low precision only, the maximum field of view is very important. The very large sensor (37×37 mm) of the G4 cameras is the key to success here.