Moravian instruments, Inc., source:, printed: 19.05.2024 0:21:26

Main pageObservations

Corona Australis
 This beautiful image of part of the Corona Australis constellation shows numerous dark nebulae, barely glowing in the scattered light of remote stars belonging to our Milky Way galaxy. Some portions of interstellar dust, reflecting the light of a nearby hot stars, shine in blue-green color. The globular cluster NGC 6273, visible in the right portion of the image, is much farther than the nebulae, beyond the Milky Way disk.

This image was (at last partially) acquired during the Pavel Pech’s visit in Chile, where he observed total solar eclipse, with Borg 77ED refractor. But the image special from one more reason – its luminance channel is the very first image of a deep-space object, acquired with a prototype of the cooled C2-12000 CMOS camera. Due to lack of time, chromatic information was taken from an older image, captured with G3-11000 CCD camera. Either way, even the very first cooled CMOS camera prototype was able to capture nice image (of course also thank to experience and skill of Pavel Pech). And production cooled C2 cameras, which are just around the corner, bring numerous enhancements.