Moravian instruments, Inc., source:, printed: 05.05.2024 16:40:40

Main pageProduct OverviewSoftware

Introduction to SIMS
 SIMS software package was developed to support G2 astronomical CCD cameras. But SIMS functionality is much wider than simply acquiring images from the camera. Number of available tools support image calibration, image blink, sub-pixel image addition and (L)RGB image composition, various mathematical operation and filters etc. SIMS also supports sequential image capturing, including filter changes, delays and sub-sequences. Native image format is FITS and SIMS also allows FITS header control and modifications.

What does it mean SIMS?

The abbreviation means Simple Image Manipulation System. Well, maybe the first S was originally derived from the word Scientific, because SIMS does not contain image manipulation functions like “red eye brush tool”, which reduces red color of eyes on portrait photos taken with flash. Instead it implements operations like “dark frame subtraction” and “flat fielding”, often made by astronomers to calibrate their CCD images (and astronomers consider themselves to be scientists :-). Also the native image format used by SIMS is FITS, used among science community to exchange data, not JPEG, TIFF or PNG. But SIMS is in its initial stage of development and does not fulfill the needs of real scientists (yet), so the meaning of the first S should remain Simple. Maybe it could be interpreted as Sophisticated sometimes in the future...

What is SIMS

SIMS is a software package focused to CCD camera control and for subsequent image calibration and processing. SIMS design should allow controlling of any cooled astronomical CCD camera with appropriate driver. However, only G2 series of USB cameras are currently supported. Support for other cameras will be added according to users' demand.

SIMS is designed to work under Windows. Although it can run under any 32-bin Windows OS, G2 cameras USB driver requires Windows 2000 or later operating system. This should not cause significant problems these days, when even the consumer line of Windows XP Home is based on NT kernel with PnP USB support. If robustness and reliable functionality is important, NT based system is necessary either way. Well, number of readers now probably objects that Linux systems are reliable and robust, too. I agree, but I just do not want to force every SIMS user to become Linux hacker to rebuild their kernel with appropriate USB driver support and to do other OS tweaking to enable SIMS to run. Everybody can run Windows, which is not true for Linux.

SIMS workspace example

SIMS basic principles

It is a trend in user interface design to make the UI very intuitive, offering number of hints and hiding anything considered “complex” into separate “advanced” dialogs etc. This is because more and more users interact with computers and it seems an average user does not construct mental model of the software he or she uses. Majority of users also does not master common procedures even after a long period of software usage. So the goal for modern UI is to enable people, who are very busy and overloaded with information, to use computer software (to be even busier and even more overloaded with information). This is certainly very positive, but the opposite side of this trend is that the modern software is often too garrulous for experienced users, who exactly know what they want to do and how to do it.

Do not understand me wrong, I am not advocating command-line based interface. After all, an important feature of images is that they can be viewed, which requires graphics display. Obviously the best way to design software for experienced users is somewhere between these two extremes. Graphical user interface can provide much better overview and control over running tasks and on the other side, even GUI software can be equipped with powerful scripting capabilities to ease routine tasks for those who do not mind to do some programming.

Because SIMS users are considered to be rather experienced computer users, the creation of the mental model of SIMS working is unavoidable. This model is very simple, easy to understand and I hope it does not differ much from common conventions. Understanding of only a few terms makes your work with SIMS more effective. The SIMS works with two basic types of objects:

  • Images

  • Image Sets

SIMS Images

Image is simply two dimensional array (matrix) of pixels equipped with some additional information to enable image manipulation—for example various FITS header field values, CCD chip temperature during image recording, exposition time etc. Image can be displayed in window, but it can exist within SIMS even without being visible (we will describe image sets later).

Image displayed in SIMS

Images can be not only viewed, it is possible to perform various operations on them. SIMS offers number of tools (tool windows), each focused to some kind of operations (note that some tools manipulate not only single images, but also image sets). Individual tools will be thoroughly described later. In fact tools are the third kind of SIMS object. But tools differ from both images and sets—while SIMS handles multiple images and image sets at a time, only one instance of the particular tool can be opened.


Images can be saved to disk files, but existence of disk file for each image is not mandatory within SIMS (file name is one of optional image attributes). Of course only saved images survive exiting of SIMS program, but temporary images need not to be saved, they can exist only in volatile computer memory. This is the first difference between SIMS and some other image manipulation programs.

Image sets

It is common that astronomers make number of images during observing session. Images taken by CCD camera require more or less complex processing—at last they must be calibrated. Image sets generally allow processing of multiple images at once, but they can be efficiently used also for other purposes. SIMS supports mathematical operations defined on number of images, like computation of images average or median. These operations are defined on image sets.

Image sets always have visual representation on SIMS workspace as windows. Image set window displays list of images contained in the set and some tool-buttons, which enable adding of images to set and removing them.

Image Set window within SIMS workspace

SIMS tools

SIMS offers number of tools to manipulate images and image sets. Individual tools will be described in detail in the next chapters of this documentation.

Histogram tool is an example of tool window. It enables modification of visual appearance of images

Tool windows behave somewhat differently compared to image and image set windows. They do not exist within the SIMS workspace, but always stays above SIMS main window.

{L}RGB Add tool enables stacking of RGB + Luminance images

Tool windows can be opened from menu or toolbar. It is possible to close tool windows as other windows by clicking their close button [x] or by clicking the menu or toolbar again, thus “un-checking” the particular menu item or toolbar button.

Tools can be opened (and also closed) from toolbar of the SIMS main window

Some tool windows are independent on other image or image set windows, e.g. the Read CCD tool. Other tools are related to currently active (selected) image window, e.g. Histogram or Image Info tools. Histogram tool displays the histogram of currently active image window. If you select another image window (e.g. by clicking it), Histogram tool displays the histogram of newly selected window. Other tools require explicit definition of which images or image sets should be manipulated, e.g. Image Math or Calibration tools.

SIMS remembers the open state and position of all tool windows. When you start SIMS again, it opens tools opened in previous session and places them to the same position.

CCD Camera support

Although currently only G2CCD series of cooled, slow-scan astronomical CCD cameras is supported in SIMS, SIMS camera driver interface is designed to support any camera with appropriate driver. Drivers for different cameras may be added later according to users' needs.

SIMS CCD Camera tool displays all connected cameras with their properties

SIMS can handle multiple cameras of the same type connected concurrently, providing the driver supports this feature. User can choose with which camera the program will work.