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The “Best Amateur Astronomer of the Year 2006” uses G2-1600 CCD camera
 Kamil Hornoch is an amateur astronomer awarded by the “Amateur Achievement Award” of the year 2006 by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. His CCD observations are exceptionally precise, reliable and accurate. Kamil now uses the MII G2-1600 CCD camera.

Kamil focuses his effort to discoveries and following photometry of novae in the M31 galaxy in Andromeda these times. The number of novae discovered in M31 by him currently surpassed all other amateurs as well as professionals.

Preparing to observation (left) G2-1600 CCD camera on 35 cm (13.8 inch) f/4.7 Newtonian telescope (right)

Thanks to his fame, Kamil has access to images captured by world-class, multi meter telescopes. It is curious that careful analysis of these images can lead to many new discoveries—tenths of previously overlooked novae was discovered also in images of M81 galaxy in Ursa Major, no matter that this galaxy is more that 4 times more distant (about 12 millions light years) than M31.

The real treasure is the following image of “fireworks” in M31 galaxy. There are 6 novae captured on single frame, 5 of which were discovered by Kamil using G2-1600 CCD camera on his 35 cm telescope. The image was processed by the median filter to eliminate large-scale galaxy background and to enhance small features in spiral arms and individual stars.

6 novae in M31 galaxy on single frame

6 novae in M31 galaxy on single frame

This image was captured on December 27th 2006 by G2-1600 camera on 35 cm f/4.7 telescope. Total exposure time was 43 minutes. The brightest nova on the frame (No. 2) has 17.5 mag, the weakest one (No. 5) has 19.5 mag. Individual novae were discovered on the following days:

  • No.1, 2 and 3: December 26th 2006 (K. Hornoch)

  • No. 4: December 23rd 2006 (K. Hornoch)

  • No. 5: October 25th 2006 (K. Hornoch)

  • No. 6: November 25th 2006 (Itagaki)