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G2 CCD and G1 CCD Camera Drivers for MaxIm DL v4
 New drivers for both G2 and G1 series of CCD cameras for MaxIm DL camera control and image processing software is now available for download. The driver supports all currently available G2 (G2-0402, G2-1600 and G2-3200) as well as G1 (G1-0300, G1-0800 and G1-2000) cameras. It is also possible to control the G2 internal filter wheel from MaxIm DL software suite.

Camera drivers for MaxIm DL (camera control and image processing software—see the Diffraction Limited web site) allow selection of active camera from all currently connected G2 or G1 cameras.

Driver installation is quite easy—MaxIm DL scans all DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries), matching particular file name conventions in the folder where it is installed, and checks if the DLL exports required driver API functions. Only DLLs named 'CCDPlug*.dll' are tested, so every driver file name must begin with 'CCDPlug' prefix. When a proper DLL is found, MaxIm DL offers it as available CCD camera.

G2 CCD driver in the MaxIm DL v4 environment

G2 CCD driver in the MaxIm DL v4 environment

To install the G2 and G1 CCD camera driver for MaxIm DL, just:

  • Download the package '' or '' from the web site

  • Unzip the package into the MaxIm DL folder (e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Diffraction Limited\MaxIm DL V4').


    Note that the driver file name is 'CCDPlugG2.dll' or 'CCDPlugG1.dll', but the driver need two more DLLs to work—'vproc3.dll' and 'vtools3.dll'. Both DLLs are included into the driver package and both must be unpacked into the same folder like the driver DLL itself.

  • MaxIm DL then offers the G2 and G1 CCD drivers in the Setup MII G2 CCD dialog box.

CCD setup window in the MaxIm DL program

CCD setup window in the MaxIm DL program

G2 CCD Internal Filter Wheel in MaxIm DL


Only G2 series of CCD cameras can be equipped with internal filter wheel.

Each G2 camera can operate without internal filter wheel or can be equipped with internal filter wheel with 5 or 6 filter positions. The user can order camera with various filters, or he or she can change individual filters or the whole filter wheel. There is no way how to determine the actual filters in the filter wheel automatically. This is why the G2 CCD camera driver for MaxIm DL reads the 'CCDPlugG2.ini' file to determine actual configuration of filters. Number of present filters is then reported to MaxIm DL.

The 'CCDPlugG2.ini' file is placed in the same folder where the G2 CCD driver and the MaxIm DL itself is installed. This file is ordinary text file following the .INI files conventions. Here is the example of the 'CCDPlugG2.ini' file:

Luminance, Gray
Red, LRed
Green, LGreen
Blue, LBlue
Clear, 0

The file should contain just one section '[filters]' (other sections, if present, are ignored). Every line in this section defines one filter position.

The first string defines the filter name, which can be used within the application GUI or will be part of file name of acquired images (if the user chooses including of filter name to file name). The second parameter, delimited by comma, represents a color by which the string can be displayed. The color can be expressed by a name (White, Red, LRed, etc.) or directly by number representing the particular color (0 represents black).

While the driver can report filter names and also colors, which should be used to display these names, MaxIm DL does not utilize this feature and asks the driver only to report number of available filters. Still, the configuration file must be present and the number of lines must correspond to the actual filter count else the G2 CCD camera driver reports zero filters available.

For G2 and G1 CCD camera documentation refer to the 'G2 CCD Camera Operating Manual' or 'G1 CCD Camera Operating Manual' respectively. These manuals are supplied with each camera in the printed form and can be also downloaded as PDF files from the web site