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SIMS v1.1.3 records AVI video
 Newly released version 1.1.3 of the Simple Image Manipulation System can save images read from the camera not only to individual FITS files, but also to single AVI video file. This feature is appreciated especially by planet observers, who can use AVI file processing to pick up moments of the best seeing and then distinguish fine details on planet surfaces. But this is not the only enhancements of v1.1.3—some new functions were added, e.g. high quality reconstruction of color image using the pixel grouping method, and also some problems of the previous versions were fixed.

Angular resolution is a key for imaging of the planets. When a using quality telescope, limiting factor of angular resolution is not the telescope diameter, but atmospheric seeing. Moving air of different temperatures distorts the image and blurs details. But seeing is a statistical phenomenon, so during short moments the atmosphere between the object and th telescope is quiet and surprising details appear on the planet surface. Visual observers waited for such moments behind the eyepiece for many nights. Now it is possible to record lot of frames a pick up several tens or hundreds from many thousands, acquired in the moments of steady atmosphere. Best frames can be then combined into the resulting image.

Because handling of thousands of individual image files is quite difficult and because almost every Web or TV camera, often used for planetary imaging, can record AVI stream, software for registering and composition of planetary images (e.g. Registax) often use AVI stream as data source. But specialized astronomical cameras provide much better image compared to Web or TV cameras (for instance astronomical cameras do not use lossy image compression, which often distorts image even more than seeing) so the SIMS software package, capable to control such cameras, was extended to be able to record AVI streams in addition to individual FITS files.

CCD Camera tool window in the AVI stream recording mode

CCD Camera tool window in the AVI stream recording mode

SIMS offers all codecs, installed in the particular operating system, and also allows definition of compression quality. Another possibility is to choose storing of uncompressed images into AVI stream. From the image processing point of view is the last option the best one (images are not distorted by lossy compression), but resulting AVI files are then significantly bigger.


Images are stored in AVI stream with 8-bit per color even if the camera can provide 16 bits per pixel. The same algorithms are applied to the frames like when they are exported to JPG or PNG files—stored images are in principle the ones displayed on monitor. Image brightness scale is “stretched” according to low and high stretch limit and gamma curve, color palette can be applied to monochrome images etc.

Please note not all compression algorithms can handle monochrome frames (8 bits per pixel), created by monochrome cameras. It is always necessary to make sure that the particular codec and camera works together.

Advanced reconstruction of color information of single-shot-color cameras

Color CCD detectors have red, green and blue filters applied directly on individual pixels (so-called Bayer mask).

Schematic diagram of color CCD detector with Bayer mask

Schematic diagram of color CCD detector with Bayer mask

Every pixel registers light of particular color only (red, green or blue). But color image should contain all three colors for every pixel. So it is necessary to calculate missing information from values of neighboring pixels.

Magnified crop of raw image captured by color camera

Magnified crop of raw image captured by color camera

There are many ways how to calculate missing color values—from simple extending of colors to neighboring pixels (this method leads to coarse images with visible color errors) to methods based on bi-linear or bi-cubic interpolation to even more advanced multi-pass methods etc.

Previous image with colors calculated using bi-linear interpolation

Previous image with colors calculated using bi-linear interpolation

Bi-linear interpolation provides significantly better results than simple extending of color information to neighboring pixels and still it is fast enough. But if the telescope/lens resolution is close to the size of individual pixels, color artifacts appear close to fine details, as demonstrated by the image above.

The same raw image, but now processed by the multi-pass de-mosaic algorithm

The same raw image, but now processed by the multi-pass de-mosaic algorithm

Multi-pass algorithm is significantly slower compared to single-pass bi-linear interpolation, but the resulting image is much better, especially in fine details. This method allows using of color camera resolution to its limits.

SIMS offers choosing of color image interpolation method in both “Image Transform” and “New Image Transform” tools. For fast image previews or if the smallest details are significantly bigger than is the pixel size (be it due to seeing or resolution of the used telescope/lens) the fast bi-linear interpolation is good enough. But the best results can be achieved using multi-pass method.

Automatic guiding

Previous versions of SIMS contained a bug, which caused wrong calculation of “R.A. scale” and “Dec. scale” parameters during automatic guider calibration. Although the guiding worked fine, it was necessary to define these parameters manually. Version 1.1.3 fixed these problems and automatic guider calibration now works without flaws.