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Main pageProduct OverviewSoftware

New ASCOM drivers for G0/G1 and G2/G3/G4 cameras
 New G0 and G1 CCD camera driver version 1.2 and G2, G3 and G4 cooled CCD camera driver version 1.5 for ASCOM standard are available for download.

All changes relative to previous versions (G0 and G1 driver version 1.1 and G2, G3 and G4 camera driver version 1.4) are the same for both drivers.

  • Driver properties CanStopExposure and CanAbortExposure were available only during exposure, so the user application cannot determine value of these properties when the exposure was not in progress.

  • If the user application omitted setting of sub-frame (or the full size frame dimensions if no sub-frame was defined) prior to exposure, image was cropped to default sub-frame.

  • Driver naturally performs CCD clear operation prior to every exposure. However, when the camera is powered on, every part of the CCD detector is usually flooded with electrons, so the single clear operation is not enough to completely remove them. This caused artifacts in the first image, caused by remaining electrons trapped when the power was switched on. Although another image read cleared the CCD (and the first image is never saved, it is always necessary to check the field of view, focus etc.), new driver version clears the CCD on background upon connection of the camera so the residual electrons do not affect even the first downloaded image.


Complete change log of individual driver versions as well as version release dates are included to the driver documentation, provided with the installation package in the form of PDF file.

Drivers can be download from Download page of this site.