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Main pageObservations

LBN 777 “Baby Eagle Nebula”
 Bright and shiny bluish nebulosity around stars belonging to the Pleiades open cluster shows us how interstellar gas and dust clouds look like when illuminated by nearby stars. But how about other parts of the Taurus molecular cloud (to which Pleiades belong), far from bright star cluster? The LBN 777 nebula is a good example how such cloud may look.

The LBN 777 nebula, known under nickname “Baby Eagle Nebula”, is naturally much dimmer as it reflects only scattered light of remote stars belonging to our Galaxy. Anybody wanting to make its image must count with very long exposures to capture its dim glow, otherwise the dark nebula simply looks like black patch among stars.

Martin Myslivec used his G3-16200 camera on 30 cm, f/3.6 astrograph to capture LBN 777. The LRGB image above was combined from 18.5 hours of unfiltered exposures and 38 hours of exposures through red, green and blue filters.