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Images and interesting observations taken with Gx series of astronomical cameras

Here we present only a few examples of images and scientific observations taken with Gx cameras. More complete lists of images acquired with respective camera series are attached to the end of each page describing particular series. These lists contain also authors, used telescopes, exposure details etc.

There is also a slide-show of the best images of deep-sky wonders taken with Gx cameras available in the Gallery section.

Truly Christmas comet discovered by Martin Mašek using the C4-16000 camera on the FRAM telescope
 Our congratulations to Martin Mašek from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences for discovering a new comet, now designated as C/2024 Y1 (Mašek). The comet was discovered literally on the Christmas Eve, using the remotely operated FRAM telescope under the southern sky. Despite the comet is quite dim and there is no chance we can see it by naked eye, we are particularly glad it was found using the C4-16000 CMOS camera.
NGC5128 “Centaurus A” galaxy
 When a technician temporarily swapped a camera on the 1.5 m ASA telescope, located at Mt. Paranal in Chile, for the C5A-150M, Wolfgang Promper took the chance to capture the famous Centaurus A galaxy. Ten 120 s long exposures through photometric Sloan g’, r’ and i’ filters were then combined into this stunning image (g’ filter was used as blue, r’ as green, and i’ as red color channels).
Sun in the Hα spectral line
 Martin Myslivec used his global-shutter C1-5000 based camera to acquire the Sun in the Hα line. See what the C1 camera can achieve on the Sun.
M51 “Whirlpool Galaxy” (C2-9000 first light)
 The image shown here was acquired by Martin Myslivec with a first C2-9000 production camera on the 400mm Newtonian telescope. Despite rather modest exposure times, just 2.5 hours per LRGB channel, the resulting image shows the famous M51 in incredible details.
M20 “Trifid” nebula
 Famous M20 “Trifid” nebula images by CielAustral group show this iconic object in real colors, captured through red, green and blue filters, as well as in somewhat unusual combination of real-color data with images acquired through narrow-band filters.
Messier 16 “Eagle nebula”
 If there is a contest for the most aesthetically pleasing image of a deep sky object, this image of M16 “Eagle nebula” by Wolfgang Prompter would be among the finalists, at last according to our opinion (esthetics is subjective). The chosen false-color palette and framing of the faint structures in the nebula create beautiful artwork.
M51 “Whirlpool” galaxy
 The M51 “Whirlpool” galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici belongs among the most famous spirals on the sky. In fact, this is the first galaxy, which spiral structure was discovered. Also, this object in fact consists of two interacting galaxies in the process of merging, which makes it even more interesting.
Messier 27 “Dumbbell” planetary nebula
 M27 is just a perfect planetary nebula to observe. It is bright enough to be easily visible even in small binoculars. It is also large enough not to be mistaken for a star. It is also not just a round shape, but shows distinct brightening on the sides (hence the “Dumbbell” nickname, although “Apple core” is much more suitable in my opinion).
Moravian Instruments astronomical cameras in science
 Moravian Instruments astronomical cameras are often presented as tools for getting beautiful pictures of the deep sky wonders. But Moravian cameras have also other side — they are often used to gather scientific measurements leading to world-class research.
NGC4038 “Antennae” interacting galaxies
 We present one more totally breathtaking image from Wolfgang Prompter. Imaging this iconic duo of interacting galaxies NGC4038, appropriately nicknamed “Antennae”, in a few spare hours after capturing another object, lead to surprising result.
NGC253, NGC1365 and NGC1532 galaxies
 We present breathtaking images of three galaxies, captured by Wolfgang Promper with his new C3-61000 PRO camera on ASA telescope. World class instruments, located in Namibia — a place with very low light pollution and dark sky, combined with Wolfgang’s experience, explain the exceptional quality of these images.
SH2-171 nebula
 We received another “first light” image, taken with the C3-61000 camera. This time it is the SH2-171 nebulosity complex imaged in real (reg, green and blue) colors by Andrea Lucchetti.
NGC6992 “Veil Nebula”
 This incredibly detailed image of the NGC6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus was captured by Martin Myslivec with his new C3-61000 camera on the 40 cm f/4 corrected Newtonian telescope. In fact, this is the very first image captured with the very first C3-61000 camera sold.
M104 “Sombrero”
 How far can amateurs go in the pursuit to perfect their images of deep-sky objects? Consider the image of the M104 galaxy, nicknamed “Sombrero”, below. The iconic image of M104, captured by the HST, surpasses it in resolution and details, but this is expected from multi-billion dollar orbiting observatory with 2.4 meters mirror. Otherwise, this image is very close to the best images from ground-based telescopes ever captured.
Rosette and M42 — tribute to the old king of amateur CCD cameras
 There was a time when the KAF-1600 CCD sensor was an indisputable king among solid state detectors. It was a dream sensor for every amateur astronomer — huge resolution of 1.5 mega-pixels and 14 × 9 mm photo-sensitive area seemed like a miracle. Even the ¼ area, 400 kilo-pixels KAF-0400 offered twice the horizontal resolution compared to cameras available to amateurs these days.
NGC2020 and NGC2021
 The CielAustral group of astro-photographers chose to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021 in a very specific way – by imaging NGC2020 and NGC2021 together.
NGC6188 nebula
 We already published an image of NGC6188 nebula complex on our title page, taken by a famous group of astro-photographers named CielAustral. But this was only a partial image of this large cloud of interstellar matter. Now the same group presents almost 48 megapixels image mosaic, covering much wider portion of the sky and allowing us to admire incredible details in the gaseous structures.
Galaxies NGC4725 and NGC4747
 NGC4725 and NGC4747 galaxies in the constellation Coma Berenices are angularly smaller and also dimmer compared to big and bright spirals like M31 or M81. Therefore, these galaxies are much less often imaged and generally less known. Still, high quality image shows them in their full beauty and details.
Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN)
 Comet C/2019 Y4 (Atlas) disappointed northern-hemisphere observers by breaking into pieces and thus it will not reach the brightness everybody hoped. But another comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN), visible from the southern hemisphere, evolves into beauty and brightness.
M82 “Cigar” Galaxy
 The M82 is also known as “The Cigar Galaxy”. It can be seen close to more famous spiral M81 “Bode” galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. While the bigger and brighter M81 shows nice spiral structure, somewhat chaotic appearance of the smaller M82 caused the galaxy was considered to be irregular. Only recent observations in infra-red light revealed also M82 has spiral arms, only not that prominent, because we see the galaxy almost edge-on.
NGC2264 “Christmas Tree” cluster and “Cone Nebula”
 NGC2264 in the constellation Monoceros is both star cluster and nebula. Visual observers nicknamed the cluster “Christmas Tree”, because the brightest stars create a wedge-like shape, resembling lights on a Christmas tree. Astro-photographers often use another nickname — the “Cone Nebula”, because of a distinctive cone of dark nebula, extending from the tree top. It is visible on long-exposure images as a silhouette on the deep-red glowing hydrogen clouds on the background.
CTB 1 Supernova Remnant
 CTB 1 nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia is a remnant of an ancient supernova explosion. The nebula very low brightness is obviously a cause it is imaged much less frequently than brighter and thus more popular nebulae.
M78 nebula in Orion
 If we rank nebulae in the constellation Orion according how bright or known they are, M78 nebula in probably only on the third position, after famous “Great” nebula M42 and “Horse Head” with “Flame” nebulae duo. Being smaller and dimmer than their counterparts, imaging of M78 requires more effort to get good image, but the result may be more rewarding. At last, there are far less images of M78 all around the Internet.
NGC1365 galaxy in Fornax
 Today we present another masterpiece from the CielBoreal/CielAustral group of astro-photographers (Laurent Bourgon, Jean-Claude Canonne, Nicolas Outters, Philippe Bernhard and Didier Chaplain) — the NGC1365 barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Fornax.
Cygnus nebulae
 Is the Universe empty or full of stars and nebulae? This depends on what “empty” means to individual people. If you imagine a star like a small water drop, another water-drop sized star will be tens or hundreds of kilometers away. And this is valid only for galaxies — rather isolated islands of matter millions of light years apart. Space among galaxies lacks even these “water drops”.
Taurus Cloud
 The best Christmas gift for us is to hear from users satisfied with our cameras and to see their wonderful images acquired with them. Leonardo Orazi acquired the G4-16000 camera just prior Christmas and now we received very short e-mail from him, just two lines. The first line says “Incredible camera … great job” and the second line is the link to the first-light image taken with the camera.
“Rosette” nebula
 “Scientific” and “aesthetic” astronomical imaging split only recently. Images of galaxies, star clusters and nebulae, published in popular astronomy books only a few tens of years ago, were mostly captured for research purposes. When a state-of-the-art technology like CCD cameras, wide-field optics, precision telescope mounts and powerful computers become accessible to amateurs, the very best images of deep sky wonders start to be captured by amateurs for pure joy and satisfaction from beautiful universe. Still, sometimes they illustrate some interesting and important astronomical phenomena, like the birth on new stars on the Rosette Nebula image acquired by Thomas Lelu.
Corona Australis
 This beautiful image of part of the Corona Australis constellation shows numerous dark nebulae, barely glowing in the scattered light of remote stars belonging to our Milky Way galaxy. Some portions of interstellar dust, reflecting the light of a nearby hot stars, shine in blue-green color. The globular cluster NGC 6273, visible in the right portion of the image, is much farther than the nebulae, beyond the Milky Way disk.
Orion belt with “Flame” and “Horse Head”
 It is virtually impossible to find a deep-sky object, which remains out of sight of amateur astronomers these days. While everything on the sky is already imaged many times, taking astrophotography ourselves brings joy and satisfaction, when mysteries of the universe reveal themselves during processing and stacking of acquired images.
“Leo Triplet”
 Small camera — great image. Thomas Lelu uses his G2-4000 on 10” corrected Newtonian telescope to produce beautiful images. Three galaxies in the constellation Leo are often denoted as “Leo triplet”.

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