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Astronomical cameras
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Software supporting Gx CCD and Cx CMOS cameras
SIPS version 2.3 supports the new G3-16000 camera
Scientific Image Processing System (SIPS) version 2.3 brings only a few changes, compared to previous version 2.2. The main reason for it release is the support for newly introduced G3-16000 camera. Unifying of the Gx USB camera drivers into single driver (similarly to the already unified Gx Camera Ethernet Adapter driver) significantly enhanced the support for Gx cameras in the third party programs, but SIPS user barely note any change—SIPS offers all connected cameras and users do not need to care which driver controls which camera. SIPS v2.3 is supplied with all Gx series of CCD cameras and can be also
from this web site for free.
Gx Camera driver overhaul—new unified drivers for Gx USB and Gx ETH cameras
Gx CCD cameras were developed evolutionary, new models with new CCD detectors as well as new revisions of existing models were introduced over time. Also new communication buses and protocols were incorporated. All these changes required new drivers for both SIPS software package and third-party programs. Introduction of the latest CCD camera G3-16000, which uses new electronics and thus requires new driver, initiated driver overhaul—all currently supported cameras, connected over the USB, use single new driver 'GxUSB' and similarly all current cameras connected over the Ethernet Adapter use common driver 'GxETH'. This redesign affected drivers for other camera control programs and new versions of unified drivers for ASCOM and for TheSkyX, MaxIm DL and Astroart are also released.
TheSkyX native driver for all Gx USB/Ethernet cameras
We introduce new native drivers of all Gx CCD cameras for Software Bisque TheSkyX planetarium software package. There are two drivers available—one for cameras connected directly to the host PC through the USB interface and the second one for cameras connected through Gx Camera Ethernet Adapter and TCP/IP network. Both drivers can be freely downloaded from this web site.
SIPS version 2.2 released
Scientific Image Processing System (SIPS for short) version 2.2 added support for much wider variety of observing hardware thank to implementation of ASCOM interfaces for cameras, filter wheels, focusers, telescope mounts and observatory domes. All those devices, equipped with ASCOM driver, can be used in SIPS beginning from this version. Gx CCD cameras with Ethernet interface, as well as a new G1-1200 guiding and planetary camera, are supported natively by this release. The software was also adopted to work properly on large resolution screens with high DPI, SIPS is able to refocus upon filter change (providing individual filter offsets are defined) etc. SIPS v2.2 is supplied with all Gx series of CCD cameras and can be also
from this web site for free.
New ASCOM drivers for G0/G1 and G2/G3/G4 cameras
New G0 and G1 CCD camera driver version 1.2 and G2, G3 and G4 cooled CCD camera driver version 1.5 for ASCOM standard are available for download.
SIPS version 2.1 released
Scientific Image Processing System (SIPS for short) evolved from simple camera control software to rather complex system for acquiring and processing scientific and astrophotography images. SIPS evolution continues and v2.1 adds numerous new features designed to make observations simpler, more reliable and less demanding for observer attendance. The software is supplied with all Gx series of CCD cameras and can be also
from this web site for free.
Updated G0/G1 and G2/G3/G4 ASCOM camera drivers available for download
New G0 and G1 CCD camera driver version 1.1 and G2, G3 and G4 cooled CCD camera driver version 1.3 for ASCOM standard are available for download.
Tool for Gx camera filter wheel configuration available for download
Gx CCD cameras (currently G2, G3 and G4 series) are designed to operate with either internal or external filter wheels (or without filter wheel at all, of course). While changing number of filter positions of internal filter wheel is not typical, external filter wheels can be easily added or exchanged. However, type of actually connected filter wheel (number of positions) is stored in camera permanent memory and changing number of filter wheel positions requires updating of this information. Newly released tool allows every user to change camera filter wheel configuration without sending the camera to dealer or manufacturer.
Linux drivers for G0 to G4 CCD Cameras are available for download
G0 and G1 guiding CCD cameras as well as cooled CCD cameras of G2, G3 and G4 series are used in numerous setups, which control computer works under Linux operating system. Using of Gx cameras with this operating system requires driver for camera USB interface, newly available for download from this www server.
Updated G2/G3/G4 CCD camera drivers for ASCOM and AstroArt available for download
New drivers for G2, G3 and G4 cooled CCD cameras for ASCOM standard and for AstroArt software package are available for download. New drivers mainly fix some problems discovered in previous versions.
Scientific Image Processing System v2.0.2 is available for download
Another version of the SIPS (Scientific Image Processing System) service release v2.0.2 is available for download. This release adds new driver interfaces and tool windows for focuser and observatory dome controllers. Also new image chessboard filter, designed to ease focusing of wide field cameras, was added. And similarly to previous service releases some problems were fixed. The SIPS can be downloaded from
page of this www site.
Scientific Image Processing System v2.0.1 is available for download
The SIPS v2 release brought quite significant rework of the software internal architecture, which made the SIPS GUI much more responsive to user actions as well as opened ways for future development and enhancements. But moving of almost all functions to background tasks significantly increased software complexity and also introduced some problems, compromising SIPS stability. We decided not to wait for introduction of new features in SIPS v2.1 to fix these problems, but to release maintenance version 2.0.1 with only a few new features, but with numerous problems fixed. The SIPS can be downloaded from
page of this www site.
Scientific Image Processing System v2.0 is available for download
We have slightly changed the name of our camera control and image processing software package—software previously known as SIMS (Scientific Image Manipulation System) was renamed to SIPS (Scientific Image Processing System)—with its second major release. The software is basically the same (with numerous enhancements, of course), name was changed only to avoid confusion with another PC application named SIMS, although this particular application has nothing common with science, image processing or CCD cameras. SIPS v2 is available for
from this www site.
ASCOM drivers for G0/G1 and G2/G3/G4 CCD cameras are available for download
Drivers for all supplied CCD cameras for ASCOM Platform v5 are available for download from the
section of this web site. These drivers allow all Gx cameras to be controlled from all software packages, supporting ASCOM standard.
Download new version 1.3 of G2/G3/G4 CCD camera driver for MaxIm DL
New version 1.3 of G2 revision 3+, G3 and G4 cooled CCD cameras for MaxIm DL is available for download. New drivers version fixes the problem with downloading of image while the camera shutter stays opened, which could occur on some low power personal computers like Intel Atom powered netbooks.
Updated G2/G3/G4 CCD camera drivers for MaxIm DL and AstroArt available for download
New drivers for G2 revision 3+, G3 and G4 cooled CCD cameras for MaxIm DL and AstroArt software packages are available for download. New drivers support new camera models (including the latest large-format G4 cameras) and also add some new features.
SIMS v1.1.7 is available for download
New version 1.1.7 of camera control and image processing software SIMS (Simple Image Manipulation System) is available for download. This release can keep selected imager and guider camera identifiers during multiple sessions, fixes CCD chip cooling behavior and updates telescope and GPS driver serial line handling.
SIMS v1.1.6 is available for download
New version 1.1.6 of camera control and image processing software SIMS (Simple Image Manipulation System) is available for download. The software adds the ability to add stacked images including rotation, enhances support for Celestron telescope mounts and also fixes some bugs.
G1, G2 and G3 camera system drivers for 32 and 64 bit Windows operating systems
Gx series of CCD cameras with USB interface require installation of system driver. Newly released driver pack for all series of Gx camera contains drivers for both 32 and 64 bit Microsoft Windows operating systems (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7). All drivers are digitally signed, which is required for drivers to be installed on 64 bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
Download SIMS v1.1.5
New version of camera control and image processing software SIMS (Simple Image Manipulation System) is available for download. The possibility to keep guiding star at defined coordinates was added to the automatic guiding. Image combination tools were enhanced to be able to create partial sums or medians of aligned images.
G1 CCD Camera Driver Update
New driver for G1-0800 CCD camera (both monochrome and colour version) slightly modifies image readout timing. This leads to better image quality and more stable images. Other driver optimisations of all G1 cameras enhance readout speed when only the sub-frame is read from the camera.
SIMS v1.1.4 enhances automatic guiding and introduces night mode
Newly released version 1.1.4 of the Simple Image Manipulation System further enhances automatic guiding. In addition to increasing guiding reliability by elimination of random events (e.g. radioactive particle traces on the CCD chip), new version of SIMS can recalculate guiding parameters after changing of the telescope declination or after swapping of German Equatorial mount. Another enhancement is newly introduced nigh vision mode, protecting eye adaption to darkness.
SIMS v1.1.3 records AVI video
Newly released version 1.1.3 of the Simple Image Manipulation System can save images read from the camera not only to individual FITS files, but also to single AVI video file. This feature is appreciated especially by planet observers, who can use AVI file processing to pick up moments of the best seeing and then distinguish fine details on planet surfaces. But this is not the only enhancements of v1.1.3—some new functions were added, e.g. high quality reconstruction of color image using the pixel grouping method, and also some problems of the previous versions were fixed.
G2 CCD and G1 CCD Camera Drivers for MaxIm DL v4
New drivers for both G2 and G1 series of CCD cameras for MaxIm DL camera control and image processing software is now available for download. The driver supports all currently available G2 (G2-0402, G2-1600 and G2-3200) as well as G1 (G1-0300, G1-0800 and G1-2000) cameras. It is also possible to control the G2 internal filter wheel from MaxIm DL software suite.
G2 CCD Camera Driver for AstroArt v4
The driver for G2 series of CCD cameras for AstroArt is now available for download. The driver supports all currently available G2 cameras: G2-0402, G2-1600 and G2-3200. It is also possible to control the G2 internal filter wheel from AstroArt software suite.
G1 CCD Camera Driver for AstroArt v4
The G1 series of CCD cameras can now be used in AstroArt camera control and image processing software suite thanks to newly released driver, which can be freely downloaded from our web site. The driver supports all currently available G1 cameras: G1-0300, G1-0800 and G1-2000.
New SIMS version 1.01 available for download
Simple Image Manipulation System is continually evolved to enhance its functionality, add new features and implement tools astronomers need in everyday observations and image processing. Recently introduced version 1.01 contains lot of new features and significantly enhances features already present in previous version.
How SIMS is used to search for novae
Kamil Hornoch is todays most successful discoverer of novae in the M31 galaxy. He uses CCD camera on his backyard telescope to image Great Andromeda Galaxy and searches for new stars. With almost 40 discoveries on his account, astronomers observing on multi-meter telescopes sometimes help him with the effort. He also uses SIMS software package to calibrate and process CCD images.
Introduction to SIMS
SIMS software package was developed to support G2 astronomical CCD cameras. But SIMS functionality is much wider than simply acquiring images from the camera. Number of available tools support image calibration, image blink, sub-pixel image addition and (L)RGB image composition, various mathematical operation and filters etc. SIMS also supports sequential image capturing, including filter changes, delays and sub-sequences. Native image format is FITS and SIMS also allows FITS header control and modifications.
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